
5 Ways of Minimizing Depression

5 Ways of Minimizing Depression

Updated: Apr 28, 2022

Did you know that Happiness isn’t our natural state? We need to put effort into experiencing and maintaining happiness. While medication is effective, it’s not the only option. There are also natural and homeopathic ways of fighting depression. Movement, eating healthy, meditation, and sleep are all important in the fight against depression. You may be thinking, “I’m so depressed I can’t get out of bed, how am I supposed to do all that?” It may not be feasible to commit to all of these ideas at once; try one and see how you feel.

MOVE YOUR BODY: I say movement instead of exercise to prevent any eye rolling, since everyone knows that exercise helps us. Movement can be many different types of activities; walking, laughing, deep breathing, crying can all release endorphins, your positive feeling hormone. Even small walks during the day can have a huge impact on how you feel. Walking when you first wake up in the morning is a great way to start the day. Listening to some music while you walk helps you to get out of your headspace and enjoy a little peace. It’s important to connect with nature. Soak up the sun and listen to the birds around you. Grounding yourself is important when dealing with negative emotions. It helps in converting our emotional mindset to being able to use a more logical mindset. This helps us learn from the emotions instead of fester in them.

PUT DOWN THE COMFORT FOOD: Eating crappy foods is only contributing to your depression. Sugar and fast food contain chemicals that slow down your system and make you lethargic. By consuming a balanced meal, your body and mind will also feel more balanced. Fruits and vegetables have tons of natural vitamins that contribute to your overall “happiness levels.” Not to mention, you’ll also start to feel better about yourself once you start eating healthier. Your self-confidence will boost, and you won’t be as upset with your body image. You’ll begin to feel more like a person you are ultimately aspiring to be.

TALK TO PEOPLE: Interacting is essential to improving our mood (the right people, of course). When we are stressed, we release hormones. The most surprising hormone is Oxytocin, which is our “cuddle” hormone. It is released to help us bond with others. So ultimately, our bodies are programed to bond when we are stressed. Also, going out and enjoying times with friends is a great distraction from your worries. You may even release some endorphins when you laugh or cry with them.

RELAX: Use meditation and sleep often come hand in hand. Some people sleep too much, wasting the whole day wrapped in their comfy covers and soft bed (who can blame them right?). Others don’t sleep at all, lying awake replaying awkward moments that happened ten years ago. Meditation is a great way to get the proper amount of relaxation even if sleep is an issue. Listen to peaceful music or focus on your breath to help slow down your system. Hopefully, the meditation will relax you to the point where you drift off into a slumber. When people do not get the proper amount of rest, they become cranky and irritable, something those with depression already suffer from. Getting enough downtime is crucial when it comes to your energy and tolerance levels.

Many of these ideas seem like common sense, but they’re so hard for a person with depression to tackle. Even changing one bad habit can have an almost instant effect. These ideas domino and once you begin to enact them into your routine you’ll be amazed at how great you feel.
